Amp or Subwoofer causing Hum?

 Recently (after Beryl) I noticed a strong hum coming through the subwoofer. I changed cables still hum. I disconnected the subwoofer cable from the amp no hum. I turned the sub on but turned the amp off still a hum. I switched the center tube position still hum. No noticeable hum from speakers. Sub hooked up to carable out. Used y splitter and single rca outlet hum consistent with both .


any thoughts or suggestions on what to do or which item to have checked out first? 

Rogue Cronus 2

Rsl subwoofer 10s mk1

Geshelli dac

wiim streamer

falcon Q7 speakers


If you are connecting an RSL subwoofer via it's speaker level inputs then the negative input terminal on the RSL is not a ground as it's a Class D amp.  The way to resolve the hum is to connect a piece of wire from one of the screws on the amp to an alternative ground point.  Those instructions for hook up are directly from Joe Rogers. When I had the same issue with a pair of Speedwoofers I just stripped a length of zip cord but any wire should work. 

I’m hooking the cable via variable out Not to a speaker terminal. If I wanted to do what has been suggested would a wire from the amp phono ground work but to what alternate ground?