@lalitk I am a Curioso in character, but do need to have a Tangible Experience when attempting to attain a knowledge.
I see your activities to be undertaken as a very similar trait and I feel very confident in my saying much of what has been thrown at you to steer you away from your intention is a waste to you, not worthwhile to you.
As for Shortest / Purest Signal Path.
Take electronics produced at a time say around 2010, say a Phonostage produced from that era. Has it got Pure Copper or Coated Brass for the Chassis Cable Connections? How much lead is in the Solder? How much Silver is in the Solder? Which metal is the lead out wire on a component.
The list is just a few considerations, a well thought out Signal Path being very careful with math and metal types selected to be used at a interface will offer something quite special as an end sound.
My own investigations have left me to feel very confident, when a careful metal material selection is made for interfaces. This is capable of outshining another Phon' that only has a Math as its selling point, and is creating a inferior Signal Path resulting from inferior Interface Metals selected.
Inferior metals are commonly selected when a design is to offer the most attractive margins as a return remuneration.
I have been privy to work carried out on a Tonearm Signal Path and Bespoke Design SS State Phon' and my own Bespoke Built Valve Phon'. My fundamental influences proposed was when the Amp's were near Voiced and presenting with attraction, was to work on the Signal Path focusing on materials used for Interfaces. Great indelible memories are made, and the approach taken has become the method I thoroughly recommend to be experienced.
I have referenced some of the methods used within the forum.
As to SUT's referred to in the Link I supplied.
Two Individuals who have seemingly owned over time approx' $180Kish Phon's of which certain models approach $30K+ Retail are both dedicated to using SUT's of various Types married up to these Phon' Models.
I have no reason not to believe both of these individuals know a thing or two about how to have a high quality end sound produced when using a Vinyl Source.