PS Audio Aspen speakers

Has anyone tried the Aspen FR 20 or FR 30 speakers? What are your thoughts?

 I am really interested in the sound of the ribbon tweeters and midrange drivers and the sound of the whole speaker of course.




The FR-20 is a wonderful final-destination speaker.  I picked them over the FR-30.  The ribbon midrange range and Twitters sound smooth and accurate. The base also is very fast and clean.  These speakers, however, require excellent upstream electronics if you want to get the best out of them.  Also, I do not use subs.

i have owned and still own other speakers. 

Hi Jim.  You sent me a message through Audiogon over the weekend as to what program I was using to upload photos.   I simply find a photo that is online, copy and paste it onto here.  No program needed.  I'm replying to you here because Audiogon wants me to provide a "payment method" or credit card or whatever to reply to your private.  Too much red tape, man.   And I ain't doing that.  Hope this helps. 

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