300B, 2A3 experiances wanted

I took the plunge and bought an Elekit 8900 which I plan to assemble later this year when the weather here in the Northeast starts to get too nasty to be outdoors. I have not bought the tubes yet and would greatly appreciate hearing from any of you who have direct experiance with this amp and the tubes it takes. It will be played into, at different times, Klipsch Heresy 1's, homemade open baffles featuring Lii Audio F15 full range speakers with no crossovers and maybe even my KEF LS50s on occasion.

I like detail, texture and tone as well as a sense of space and air. Generally listen to acoustic instruments in the jazz and classical traditions, 80-85 db being plenty loud for me. I'm interested in what you think are the best bang for the buck tubes as well as some that might be on the aspirational side.

My prior tube experiance included a Dynakit ST-35 amp i build last winter and a Decware Zkit SE84 I put together the year before that. I find the Deware strangely enchanting but a bit noisy, and the ST-35 is clean and clear but, perhaps because it is a push-pull design and and not a SET, sometimes not as magical as the SE84. Kind of hoping that the third tube amp, Elekit TU8900,  with the right tubes might be the charm. I might mention that I plan to build it stock initally but might consider investing in alternate caps and output transformers if the vaunted 300B/2a3 lives up to it's legend.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbruce19

The TU-8900 is an excellent choice.  I think I heard a stock version.  Your plan to do subsequent upgrades if the basic amp sounds good to you is the right approach.  The parts that the distributor--Victor Kung--offers and suggests are very good choices.  I would start with a transformer upgrade--this, more than anything else determines the sound of an amplifier.  The option of silver foil Audio Note caps is also enticing--these caps deliver a clear sound without sounding thin or harsh.  

@alexberger so you added an interstage transformer into a 300 B amp that originally did not come with it, if I understand correctly. What amp was it and what kind or what model transformer? Did you determine the specs for this or did someone else? I would like to learn more.

I am not familiar with your amp and maybe this is tossing an unnecessary hang grenade into the debate for you but there are other, somewhat esoteric tubes that are in the middle and may work for you.  

Have you looked at something like the Emission Labs 300B Mesh 2.5v or PX4 or PX25.  In the case of the 300B 2.5v it is a drop in replacement for a 2A3 and is a middle ground between the two tubes.  It is more detailed and linear than a 300B but not to the extreme of a 2A3.  PX4 and PX25 are in the middle with the PX4 closer to a 2A3 and PX25 closer to a 300B.  

Years ago Dick Olsher reviewed a PX25 amp and referred to it as the closet thing to "velvet in a bottle" he had ever heard.  Tubes that have characteristics of both could present and ideal compromise.  

Full disclosure, I am one of the two importers of Emission Labs tubes.  Not just trying to sell you tubes (I make nothing on them).  Just think it was an interesting provocation.  

Hi @bruce19

My amp is DIY. The set of tubes was always the same 6sn7, 6f6 in triode and 300B.

But for 15 years I did different upgrades of this amplifier. A year ago I added IT between driver and output. Then I made a separate PS for the driver. After that I added IT between input and driver. And In the end I disassembled the amplifier and assembled it in the new chassis.


Here is the old version of my DIY amplifier



What is your favorite 45 tube?

I also love the 45 and have a Yamamoto A-08s with Emission Labs tubes. Big improvement over stock tubes, at a big premium. But always interested in learning about great tubes from experienced users.