Cincinnati's Audible Elegance Drops Naim

Lou Hamilton drops Naim from his customer base.



Sorry to hear that. They lost Magnepan a while back. It's nice to have a shop in town with a variety of brands. Hope they can hang on.

Jim S.


Thank You for sharing this important information.


Happy Listening!

Lou, an attorney by vocation who uses 'was' instead of 'were'. But anyway, Audible Elegance is a small store and they have issues beyond the scope of what's presented here. Despite that, they are one of my favorite stores because they will go above and beyond to help their customers. I had a conversation with Zach the manager about bringing in Harbeth and Tannoy but everything has to go through Lou. Anyway, I'd really like to see them expand their product line. Discontinuing Naim is probably alright if they bring in others.