so bass traps in corners do nothing, it seems we have been fooled. or are being fooled.

Well I've watched a few of their videos and mostly they seem to be no nonsense. what do you think? 


Corner Bass Trap Nonsense - (


I would do some research on Dennis Foley on other audio forums before doing business with him.

I think the point is when all is said and done it takes a lot more than 2-4 corner bass traps to control the bass in a room. Residential and commercial spend a fortune to control bass but I can hear Godzilla stomping through Tokyo while I’m in the next theater watching The Notebook. 😆 Just kidding but not about the bass transfer. It’s like spending $5k on tires to save 1/10th of a mile per gallon. Does it help if done right? Yes, just not enough to justify the cost. New Record Day did some cool bass treatments in his new space that did make a difference but as you can see it takes up a lot of space and it’s not just in the corner. The funny thing is a lot of people treat the corners for the bass before the handle so many other things like first reflection points. 

Bass trap works if you know where to put them.i used to own Martin Logan request. And I saw Gale Sander and Bruce Brissom if Iam right? They put the bass trap near the side of both the SL3 Martin Logan . Yes indeed I works. When I applied my DIY bass traps.To do tweaks you have to have an open mind, listening to other people experience is not as good as doing it yourself. 

Dennis means well. Whether or not you agree with him, he’s working hard to bring better sound to this hobby that we all care so much about.

I diy’d all diffusion panels (the formula, home depot lumber, saw, glue, nails, stain, no other magic required)...His ACDA panels are quite unique though, I have never heard definition and resolution to the current level in my room until those came in. He has some theories on the ’rate of absorption’ of a panel (which nobody looks into), effect on the ear and i am starting to believe him. Guy spent years dev’ing those.


P..S if a guy has a tiny room and speakers sitting 6 inches from a corner (bad location to begin with)...yeah, a corner trap will do something for sbir if it’s sitting directly behind the woofers..

A Umik cal’d mic is 70’d be surprised how many guys around here don’t have one (facepalm). They’ll do everything 300 hz and under by ear is the claim.. I highly doubt it.