
Responses from hsounds

What’s your opinion about Dali speakers?
Dali probably has the most versatile speaker lineup in the world. Their top end in-wall speakers are killer. That being said I think you are better off looking at KEF. The Center channel is the most important speaker are the Center channel and the... 
Do No Harm ... well the least harm anyway
It looks like there is a thru output so you can do a little A=100hz or B=thru= 20 hz.  please make sure you turn your equipment off before you connect/ disconnect cables.   
Do No Harm ... well the least harm anyway
Hello, It looks like your subs have a 100 hertz high pass filter. Just run your line to the input on the DD15’s and then out to your amp. You might have to look at a manual but there is a 90 or 100 crossover switch on the back. You can at least us... 
That Transformational piece of Gear We All Wish For
+1 on the room treatments. Especially the first reflections and the middle front. Especially if you have a tv/ projector screen of some sort. Just covering your tv/ screen with a simple blanket will make you think you bought a whole new system.  T... 
Summer Power Issues
That sucks! Looks like you need a regeneration device.   
Summer Power Issues
Instead of spending money on regeneration just treat the room. Especially the windows. Like Carlsbad said, ambient noise. My favorite time to listen is in the s we inter during or after a heavy snow. Everyone is inside their house and no one drivi... 
I thought every audiophile owned a BlueSound product. 🤪 only a very small portion of my playlists are MQA. I might go through and note which are MQA. So I either find it in a different format or on Qobuz or I just won’t listen. I’m wondering if M... 
Looking for phono preamp advice in the $1000 - $1600 range
Hello, I would stay away from the transimpedence. The sound is a little linear. Great for very low output carts. I like the Hegel V10 due to it having  a linear power supply, having balanced outputs, and a good amount of gain. Used is well under y... 
Help with high end bookshelf speakers
I do have to say it is frustrating to help someone when detailed information is required. Maybe AGon could come up with a guide to asking a question. I.E. Room size, existing equipment, preferred type of music, problem you are already having. I un... 
Help with high end bookshelf speakers
You Mentioned reflections. I like the idea of the Revel M126 with matching stands. They are really good with reflection due to the tweeter 5th gen wave guide, they have some very nice finishes, and they sound good with the Hegel series.  Another o... 
Whats the difference ...
There are some nice affordable all-in-one systems out there. I am not a fan of wasting money in the long run as most of us are so I preferred to buy separates. This way when your streaming transport goes out you can replace it. I use the BlueSound... 
3 choices for power amp
I believe I have helped a lot of people on and off this forum who have thousands of posts. I am a good problem solver so I like to help people out. This can be a frustrating hobby at times. I was just at a reviewers house who has been in the audio... 
3 choices for power amp
That’s why. No trust.   
3 choices for power amp
I know this sounds out in left field. Galleon A75. Down the road you will understand.  At $1500 you are getting 95% of those including CODA but at 25% of the cost.  good luck!   
12 wire compared to Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable?
I think you would have better off upgrading the power cord to the Nordost Blue Heaven or Red Dawn. I did this in the past and it blew my mind. I would definitely buy used which will be easy because Nordost just upgraded their Leif line. The one ca...