Can even a Novice hear differences in Sound Qualit

Just wanted to relate an experience I recently had with a friend of mine. Those that have read my Threads before, have heard me wax enthusiastically about a DIANA KRALL-The Look of Love-DVD Audio Disk. The Recording has a Multi-Channel Surround Sound version Recorded in 24-bit/96 kHz. The Disk is being played through a Pioneer DV-58AV Universal Player, connected to a SpaceTechLab A-102 Vacuum Tube Headphone Amp, Driving a pair of Grado RS-1 Headphones. Only having 2-Channel capability, the Pioneer can Downmix the Multi-Channel version to two. A 65 year old friend of mind, not an Audiophile with limited hearing, was given a chance to listen to this Recording. His jaw had dropped to the floor. After listening for five minutes, he took the Headphones off and said "why don't they make all of them sound as good"? This Man was unimpressed with the multiple 2-Channel SACD/2-Channel Hi-Rez DVD-Audio Disks that he has heard on this Pioneer. The only thing that I can say is "out of the mouth of Babes...."! Sorry to keep harping on the point, but I believe that this is the only solution to the lack of Harmonic Content on all 2-Channel Digital Recordings, no matter the sampling rate. I also believe that it is the only solution to closing the gap of Harmonic Content between Analog and Digital, minus the ticks and pops. It would be a damn shame to lose it!
One more thing, as long as we are on the Evolution subject. It is obvious that many on this Thread, have sold their soul for the sake of De-Evolving Format Sound Quality to its lowest common denominator. This goes against the Nature of things, since Evolution is a process that more advanced and complex life forms are developed, not de-constructed. It is obvious that the Evolution of Format Sound Quality is being de-constructed, this will eventually have disasterous results. Either a Species tries to stay ahead of the Evolution Curve, or it simply coasts along and begins to lag far behind. What happens from this Stagnate or even reversal of advancement, well, just ask the Neanderthals or the Dinosaurs. Oh, wait, they are no longer around to ask, there it is! Extinction is never pleasant, and I simply cannot make it any more pleasant for you! You want to De-Evolve or De-Construct the Evolution of Format Sound Quality with ever more worse sounding Formats, you can get away with this for a while. Eventually, Mother Nature will catch up to you and shake you out of your complacency, or make you regret you ever existed! De-Evolution makes no sense, and will not work! How can I convince you that walking on all fours again (CD,SACD,DVD-Audio,MP3), is really a bad Idea? Sound Quality, like all things, must advance and Evolve. You go against Mother Nature at your own risk (EXTINCTION)! Survival of the fittest, is never a matter of convenience, and Extinction is never convenient!
I'm going to stand on my previous posts main issue is you, Cajunpepe. What makes you think that you can throw back advancements in Sound Quality back to the Stone Age? Do you really honestly believe that no-one will notice? How much longer are you going to delude yourself, that no-one will care? My eyes, and ears, are wide open. MP3-really-Cajunpepe-really! If you really believe that walking on all fours is a better Idea, you are not going to understand the words that I am speaking!
Now Pettyofficer, in refutation of such nonsense consider that The Truth About De-Evolution (full title: In The Beginning Was The End: The Truth About De-Evolution) was the first music video created by the band Devo. Filmed in 1974, it contains two separate songs: Secret Agent Man and Jocko Homo. It won First Prize at the Ann Arbor film festival, and was routinely screened before Devo live concerts.

The film begins with an extreme close-up of a television, switching between channels while odd gibberish noises play in the background. The film title is superimposed over the television screen. The scene fades to a shot of a factory (filmed at the Goodyear World of Rubber in Akron, Ohio). Members of Devo in its quartet stage are seen in blue workmen's suits, operating machinery, until one notices it is time to go. All the band members wear clear face masks, except for Mark Mothersbaugh, who appears in his Booji Boy mask. The members leave work and get into a car. They pull up behind a club (allegedly JB's in Kent, Ohio) and enter, carrying instruments. A sign on the door reads "Tonight: 15-60-75", a snide reference to The Numbers Band, which Gerald Casale played bass for at one point. The Secret Agent Man performance begins, featuring Bob Mothersbaugh on guitar, Gerald Casale on bass, Jim Mothersbaugh on electric bongos, and Mark Mothersbaugh/Booji Boy on synthesizers. The performance routinely cuts away to bizarre visuals, such as two men in monkey masks spanking a woman with ping-pong paddles, or a punk playing a double-neck guitar plugged into a space heater. The segment ends with a fadeout of Mark Mothersbaugh in a John F. Kennedy mask.

The Jocko Homo segment begins with Booji Boy running through an Akron parking lot. He enters a building through the fire escape to meet with General Boy. They exchange papers, and General Boy makes a statement: "In the past this information has been suppressed, but now it can be told. Every man, woman, and mutant on this planet shall know the truth about de-evolution."

Booji replies with a famous line: "Oh, dad, we're all devo!"

A series of rapid-fire cuts of the letters in "Devo" appears (with the music of "Mechanical Man" found on Hardcore Devo: Volume One), and then we cut to Mark Mothersbaugh in a Kent State classroom (actually the Governance Chambers), delivering a lecture. As Motherbaugh delivers the lyrics to Jocko Homo, the classroom enters a frenzy of excitement, ending in a near riot.

The film ends with a scene of Booji Boy being stabbed and his mask removed. Then the credits play in a style similarly to the title with an extremely distorted version of "Because" by The Beatles playing. The film ends with a shot of the word "Devo" in neon flashing off.

QED Wikipedia
Egads! I am talking to self degraciating Cavemen! I never even referenced De-Evolutionary Music! What I was saying, is that any attempt to apply a De-Evolutionary practical application to the Sound Quality in worser sounding newer Formats, puts all of Homo Sapiens back in the Stone Age! That includes me, and I don't want to go there! How would "Devo" even work trying to play rocks and clubs for Musical Instruments! You see, it doesn't have any real practical application! Yet, you persist in trying to practically apply a never ending lower Standard of Sound Quality with each New Format for the sake of convenience! What is next, rubbing two sticks together for Music, or are we going to have some super Technically advanced machine to do it for us? It is still rubbing two sticks together, and it still sounds like crap! I know, lets spend $50,000.00 on a supped up Amplifier and Speakers, so we can hear our sticks rubbing together in Super High Fidelity! It is still two sticks rubbing together, and it still sounds like crap! Do you have any other Mega, Mega-Buck High End Audio Gizmo or Wigit that can make our two sticks rubbing together sound any better? No doubt, you will sell your Wife, your Daughter, your Son, your Mother, your Father, to afford this wigit. Anything to avoid even the slightest concideration of an alternative Format, other than rubbing two sticks together! This is madness, it is unhealthy, it is self destructive, it is cutting off two arms/two legs/ and a nose to spite your face! A Jelly Fish has more mental awareness to avoid this exercise in futility, and it doesn't even have a backbone! Is there anyone out there that even has a Spine, I suppose that a Brain attached to it is asking too much! Is there anyone who even knows how to negotiate, to haggle, to shop for the better quality at a lower price? The first step, is to stop dragging the sharp end of that knife across your arm a hundred times. What is your point in self imposed masochistic mutilation? O.K.- you are not worthy of that next C.D., you are not worthy of that next SACD Disk, you are not worthy of that next DVD-Audio Disk, you are not worthy of MP3, now write it a hundred thousand times to make sure that you have got your mind straight! Have you got your mind straight yet! You have better get your mind straight in a hurry! Is this what you are trying to tell me to do? You must be out of your minds to think that I am going to play along with that! I have a backbone, and there is even a Brain attached to it. I can also think, therefore I am, and I am also aware of my own self worth! How about you?