Looking for a high-quality 2-way speaker

Has anyone ever compared: Rockport Alya, YG Acoustics Carmel, Magico S1 / Q 1 and Raidho C 1.1 / D 1 ?

Trying to help a friend building a "small scale" but very high quality and resolving system. Gear in use is Ayre AX-5 + Ayre DX-5. Everything wired with Cardas Clear.

Thanks for any useful help.
I heard the Carmels in two different rooms at the Newport Beach Show and loved their natural sound, but only heard the larger Magicos (Q3 and S5) and neither of the others on your list. I really liked two other two-ways at the show, and they were quite inexpensive. One was the Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne (I bought a pair) and one of the FritzSpeakers. Sorry to have not directly answered your question directly but IMO you don't have to spend big bucks if you are looking for a good 2-way speaker. I am a big fan of 2-ways and now even full-range drivers since I am in a small room.
First read all the professional reviews ,for Magico mini,Tad junior
YgAcoustics Carmel . rockport Mira-2 is a 3 way ,and is not as clear and open as the above speakers,you need to look at their new $30 k speaker to be in that league ,but that too Is a 3 way. Radho is a very good $20k speaker also.
Being in Audio for over 35 years spend a weekend or two just reading all available material ,then venture out to a show if possible ,and stores.
2 ways: Quested v2108, Genelec 8250, Event Opal.

3 ways: Quested v 3110, Adam S3X-V, Neumann KH 310

Any of these will blow away everything suggested in this thread.
Even though they are difficult to find at shows and are not a well known brand try to check out the Intuitive Designs Gammas. I finally have the right amp for them and they certainly perform at the level you are looking for. They retail around $12k.
One thing that the Carmel's are not is Boomy, something else in the electronics chain Had to be created the problem.read any reviews on them ,even against Any $30k loudspeaker they shine as far as continuous ness ,imaging , Sound staging,as well as depth and the a Bass is crisp fast and detailed To a solid 35 hz. If you want the extra slam of the last octave buy a high quality sub then you will have a loudspeaker that lacks nothing
A true reference. But be warned they will let you know of any changes you make Good or bad in your system.