For many months still searching for the big one ! (tube dac)
It seem that the tendancy is Korean, Chineese, Taiwanese fairly unknown plug and play cheap dac that promise you the sonic paradise before you die ....
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If you can find one used the Lessloss DAC 2004 MkII. New they are EURO$2995.
Jadis JS1 MkIII and Zanden 5000 MkIV Signature are both in the $15-20k range new (I believe) but whether you will find any of those used at 1/2 remains an entirely other question. Also, second Accustic Arts Tube-DAC II SE as one that would have to be on your shortlist.

Echoing Racamuti's thoughts in respect of price vs. quality, I would lend Yamamoto's brand new YDA-1B tube dac an ear (appr. $3k in Japan, haven't seen a price in the US or Europe yet). Here's the - sort of "poetic" as usual - description on Yamamoto's website