Spades vs. Banana plugs ??

What's your preference and why?

Spades or banana plugs?


I use the "el squisho" (perhaps not the actual name, but they're designed to stay tight) spades from Kimber into my speakers, and Kimber bananas into the amp as everyone knows bananas provide potassium.

Apparently you bare wire guys don’t have a cat or an elderly maid, both of whom will periodically unplug things by means completely unknown or illogical.

Whatever gives me a secure connection is my choice.

Mine are plugs, make a bit of a 7, and have a crank on the back that expands the plugs to make them secure.  Silver if I recall. So far so good.

Interesting conversation. Just bought a Boulder 2160 which only uses spades. Had to have my cables reterminated.