SME 3009 II (improved) won't balance with Shure V15 III

So ... I'm working on a Garrard 301 project and just installed a new-to-me SME 3009 II (improved) tonearm on which I attached a Shure V15 cartridge. I know that this cart and arm are essentially made for each other, but when I begin the setup process, I can't get past the first, most basic step. Even with the balance weight screwed in as close as possible (applying no extra upward weight), the cartridge end tips way UP when I release it from the arm rest. No adjustment I make will get the arm to come down into a balanced position.

I've never encountered this with a tonearm before, and I'm new to owning an SME. 

I'm pretty sure I've check all the "D'oh! How could I be so stupid?" things I could be doing wrong. I'm baffled.  Anyone have any ideas? 

Thanks in advance!



I believe you need a lighter balance weight. To counter you can add more mass to the headshell. Soundsmith makes an excellent set of graded cartridge screws. 

Thanks. I know I can add weight to the headshell. I’ve done that with other arms, but what I’m baffled by is that this arm and cart are a common/popular combination. From what I’ve read, the arm was pretty much designed to be a match for the V15 cart (the SME manual even shows the arm set up with this cart). So I’m trying to figure out why I’m having this problem and other people don’t.

The balance weight is the standard one that comes with the arm. I’m not aware of other people having to find a lighter balance weight to make this arm work with the V15.

If worse comes to worst, I’ll add a weight to the headshell. I’m just hoping to figure out why this is happening, because it seems like something must be wrong if this common arm/cart combo works for others but not for me.

Thanks again!

You shure it's the standard weight? (pun intended) Is the outrigger adjusted correctly? Is it the stock headshell? Any sign of the arm being modified? 

I'm not sure what the standard balance weight is. The one on my arm weighs 89 grams. I'm seeing heavier ones available on eBay, but I don't see any lighter ones. I'm pretty sure this is what came with the arm originally.

No signs the arm has been modified. 

So ... if I need to add weight to the headshell, am I defeating the purpose of matching this arm with this cart? I bought the arm because its very low mass was meant to pair with the V15 III, which I want to use. If I add mass to the headshell, am I not defeating the supposedly ideal match between the arm and cart?