@mijostyn For the Record, not one copy / paste presented in my last post had anything to do with the individual suggested by yourself as the one being identified.
On a completely different note, a very recent Health Issue that is very luckily discovered and is now undergoing the earliest treatment.
Has a Prognosis attached, that strongly suggests my forum activities are much better for my health, if exchanged for a use of available time, that is spent being more mobile and participating in light activities for the next upcoming months.
I am happy to initiate this new approach when convalescing, and put more time and intentions into my Grandchildren, Nature Photography and Recording Sound from the Natural Environment. These are the only real thing I can do, to help teach the G'children things that are a concern, as well as show how modern methods being adopted by Humans are really impacting on Local Flora - Fauna. This is part of a Country Wide initiative, to help Map locations that are showing where regenerative conservation action can be diverted to.
I will be avoiding posting on this or other forums for the foreseeable future, maybe only using the forums I use, to keep the contacts I have communicated with, informed, enabling myself to complete a few outstanding visits to the homes of others when lengthy travel is able to be carried out by myself with no health concerns attached.