So, I bought a Chord Hugo what?

Hello all!

Today, I ordered a Chord Hugo TT2 DAC from my local dealer...should be able to pick it up late next week.  It will be fed by a Bluesound Vault 2 that I'm using to stream Tidal and Qobuz, as well as play my ripped CD collection.  

As the TT2 is definitely several orders of magnitude better than the on-board DAC of the Vault, I now have a quandary regarding what my next upgrade step should be.  So, if you could only make one more upgrade, would you get the Chord M Scaler, which from everything I'm reading/hearing is the ideal pairing for the TT2 and takes it to near reference-class Dave levels?  Or, would you upgrade the streamer, since the TT2 is only as good as the files/data you're feeding it?

For reference, the rest of my system consists of Audio Research's LS7 line stage, PH3 phono stage and (2) D240MKII amps running as monoblocks.  Speakers are Kef Blade Twos (non-Meta versions) and my turntable is a Technics SL-1210GAE.

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions!



The Vault is very good .  It was my first streamer.   I replaced it with an Aurender N200 and that is a great unit.  

I still use the Vault in a second system.  I actually was able to copy the Vault's files over the network and put them on the N200's SSD drive. I still use it to rip and use it every day.  

You have a great system that would definitely exploit a better streamer.  Not that a Vault is bad,  but something like an Aurender or Innuos would be a good match with your other gear. 

I have Aurender N200 driving TT2 via Audioquest Diamond USB cable. 
Actually a really good DAC once you dial in the settings. I’m selling mine by the way….you could have saved couple of bucks…

Congratulations, I traded in a Cutest about a year ago on the TT2 as well. I also am using a Bluesound Node and am using a Kimber D60 digital cable. I would like to upgrade my streamer before I would add the M Scaler. My dealer has agreed to set an A-B with/without so I can hear the difference.  But as with most people these day, money is sand in the gears of making these changes. 
But again, I am happy for you, I can’t imagine you not enjoying your new DAC. Personally I would get used to it before adding the M Scaler, which I want to hear before I put it on the radar screen. One thought is maybe down the road I’d buy a Dave which the coupled price of the Hugo and the M Scaler are on the outskirts of that same neighborhood. 

Let us know how you like your Chord