Dirac Live Calibration

I tried this topic out in Tech Talk with no luck, so I thought I'd give it shot here.

I was just wondering if any of you have used online services such as this with good results?  https://www.diraclivecalibration.com/ 

Many of you here are very capable of setting things up like this on your own, but for us technically challenge, I was wondering if this might be a good way to go.

My thoughts would be to see if this could help me in first in setting up my 2-channel speakers, then maybe again if I decide to add a pair of subwoofers somewhere down the road?

Appreciate your input!


@mijostyn OK, this is sounding scary, but fun! So, I need a second DAC for the subs?

The M1 is pretty pricey, maybe I could sell it and use the funds for 2 decent  replacement DACS?


I was gonna use the Schiit Modius DAC for my subs. It's only about $250 and measures and sounds great (for subs). It has both RCA and XLR outputs. Check it out. I have the Laiv Harmony for the mains DAC. I regret having to replace my Benchmark HPA4 pre-amp, but if I sell it, that will cover the cost of the DSP and the extra DAC.

@koestner Thanks, so I'm a pretty lay person with regards to this type of stuff. Is it really as easy to set up as some others here say? I really don't need another rabbit hole. lol

@navyachts  I don't plan on doing it all at once. I have good knowledge of crossovers and parametric EQ', so I will set that up first and fast. After getting the most I can from that, I will tackle the Dirac thing. I have done some reading on it and I think it will go OK. You don't have to do everything at once.