High end bookshelf speakers for Small room

I have to downsize my listening room. Looking to get a pair of bookshelf speakers for a room size 13x14 which has furniture carpet and I plan to do some acoustic treatment if needed. Would love to get some subs as well. Currently I have rels510 which might be too much for this small room.. 

My audio chain - Aurender N20, dCS Rossini + clock, luxman509z amp. 

Music preference - Acoustic, rock, pop, piano, instrumental.. pretty much different genres. 

Sound preference - bold close to you vocals, clean detailed sound. Slightly warm is fine. 

Current candidates - TAD ME/CE, Joseph audio pulsar2, dynaaudio, Sonia Faber.. 

Any inputs here are much appreciated.. thanks in advance



It’d be most helpful to know what speakers you’re using now and if that’s the sound you’re trying to replicate.  That said, you’ve already got some great options.  Given what you’re looking for ProAc would be near or at the top of my list along with Sonus Faber and possibly Harbeth, and QLN is worth a look too.  Best of luck. 

I've had the chance to listen to a couple of models of the Totem bookshelf speakers. Results were very good, though not sure what you price range is. They might be a fit for you.