Divorcing..Splitting the cd collection..

Unfortunately my wife and I are divorcing. We have about 1000 cd's of which we both cherish very much.
We know splitting up the collection will be very hard if not impossible.
I suggested ripping ,if that is the right terminology ,to some kind of music server unit and make two copies so we both could enjoy the entire collection.As you probable can tell my knowledge in this area is very limited..almost nil.
Does this seem possible?
I am retiring so will have lots of time.
Any suggestions ,direction or sites that could get me started will be very much appreciated.
I should add I do not want to go the cheapest route as we/I (maybe) have a decent system and enjoy music very much.
LaCie network drive should allow you to save all your CD collection from your Mac or PC using iTunes or other ripping software. Then you can decide to provide the spouse with a duplicate copy or split the CDs.

Computer Audiophile is a good site to get you started.

Are you splitting up the stereo system?
Since you stated you wanted to do this right, there's a couple things you should look into, and I'll list them here briefly:

1. A RAID storage, preferably network attached so it doesn't have to attach directly to your computer or player (they're noisy). Ex. Netgear ReadyNAS

2. A CD burner. Plextor is a good model, although any name brand would do (it's not important which one, as long as it works).

3. A CD ripping software. Exact Audio Copy (EAC) is, by consensus, the best one.

4. A music management software. There are many, both free and not free, although that isn't an indication of quality. Ex. ITunes, Foobar2000, J. Rivers, Media Monkey

5. USB/DAC to connect your laptop to your system.

So what do you do with all this? Easy, in one sentence: EAC rips the CD through the Plextor CD burner, then stores the music in .WAV or .FLAC lossless format into the ReadyNAS RAID storage device, which could be accessed by your music management software and played back through a USB/DAC.
I am sorry to hear that you and your wife are going to divorce.

Given that the "reasonable usage" rules that the people assume makes copying for one's own use acceptable do not generally extend to making copies for one's friends, or to making copies so that you can continue to listen to the music AND give the discs away (whoever does the ripping)... I could not recommend most of the advice above.

One way to split it might be to have one person split the collection into two parts and have the other person choose which 'half' to take first. Depending on the emotion involved, it could be advantageous to be doing the splitting.

OTOH, if you were doing some ripping of discs you owned for the convenience of setting up a music server, many of the suggestions above are good ones.
What Macdadtexas said. It seems complicated but it's really not that hard. If you got yourself a mac mini and a hard drive you could rip all the music within a few weeks time and then let your wife keep the CDs. Hard drives are so cheap now days that you should back up your collection. Get an extra one and copy your whole drive once you get done ripping. Itunes is so easy to use and it sounds better I think than any CD player I've used and I've had some pretty good ones. I'm very happy with my digital sound and I am using a Mac mini and a 600.00 USB hard drive.