For SACD fans only

Want to upgrade my SACD playback, currently have Oppo 105-D, which has been fine, but the weak link in my setup. I have a Hegel H390, Raidho XT-2’s and Ansuz cabling throughout, including the DTC distribution box. Currently love the system synergy, sound and setup, but want to upgrade.

So my question for the forum is-- I have narrowed it down to a couple of options and would like to hear thoughts...

1- PS Audio Perfectwave SACD transport, which is now on sale for $4000, and a DAC. I could wait for PS Audio’s forthcoming new Directstream DAC, which they say will utilize the same galvanic isolation in their Perfectwave transport. The reason for the match is the I2S connection, which can deliver "pure" DSD. I believe that a Sony chip is necessary. Another DAC option is to go with a Holo Audio May KTE DAC for around $5000. It has the I2S input, but I don’t believe it will play the "pure" DSD layer.

2- Esoteric K-05XD or Esoteric K-07XD SACD player. Two players not currently available but will be in the next month or 2, for I believe $8500 and $7500 respectively. Esoteric has confirmed to me that they will be available shortly. The nice thing here is that you get 2-in-1, both a high-end transport (one could argue the best available transport at any price) and also a fantastic DAC. I have read reviews of the Esoteric K-03XD, which is available and has the "Master Sound Discrete" DAC. The K-05XD and K-07XD will also use the "Master Sound Discrete" DAC-- reviews are that this is a big step up from previous Esoteric models, and sound fantastic. They have a USB input and other digital inputs, so you can utilize the internal DAC if I should use a server or go the streaming route-- or both.

Currently don’t use a server or streamer, but both options give me that flexibility. One box or 2 boxes? (Holo May DAC would make it 3 boxes!)

Won’t be able to audition unless I buy both and then return one.

Thoughts? Thanks


I listen to SACD with my Oppo 105 outputting the DSD layer over HDMI into the HDMI input of my Bryston DAC.  The Oppo program menu makes you decide which layer of the disc that you wish to output.

  Magnets Universal Players are made by the same engineers that created the Oppos and the menus are identical to the Oppos.

  Given what the OP has said about his budget-it seems to be in the 5-7 K range if I understand correctly- he should be able to afford a Magnetar and a good DAC with HDMI input.  He could just try the Magnetar first with the internal DAC and if he’s happy stop there

DSD 64.

In my last post, the manufacturer’Magnetar’ was apparently autocorrected to ‘Magnets’.

  Someone suggested buying a used Esoteric.Keep in mind as I went through this with a unite out of warranty,the only place to get it serviced is in California and they are ridiculous in pricing..You cant even get parts ,no one can get parts.It has to go to west coast and it is very very pricey...assuming things havent changed in the past 15 months,,sheers


I sold my Esoteric after getting it repaired for that same reason missioncoonery stated.