Integrated S.E.T Amp and Bookshelf Speakers Recommendations

Greeting! When I was looking for a CD transport replacement I received great info and advice here.

Now that les fil #3 is adulting, I have my own office/library/hiding place. I am exploring lower wattage integrated SET amps and higher efficiency (92+) bookshelf stand-mount speakers, with a relatively flat signal response. I listen to lots of jazz; smaller chamber music groups and Early Music; acoustic bluegrassy, folk and the like. 

I'm looking for an amp that can do the following- liquid tonality with instruments; good realism and immediacy with voices; solid 3 dimensionality; sweet and airy treble; and defined decays. I want it all, lol.

I'm going to audition the following because these are names I have read about.

Elekit TU8600R, UnisonTriode 25, Sophia Electric Prodigy Dual Mono. Any others?

As far as speakers-Audio Note and Harbeth. Any others?

Budget-I'm listening and learning.

Anyone have any thoughts and recommendations?

Thanks again!



These popped up in my You Tube feed today. I am blown away. Even with laptop speakers, they sound exceptional.

Audio Note Ongaku replica tube amp (

In addition I would add Fezz Audio (from Poland);  Quicksilver Integrated Amplifier – Quicksilver Audio; & JC Verdier Triode Spirit (

A few months ago I did hours of research to find small/custom tube amplifiers across the globe. If there was a way to share a folder of bookmarks I would do that. There are so many when you go looking. Sometimes I want to have one from each of them....




The three main French speaker brands - Triangle, Cabasse, and Focal. 

There are also Elipson and Waterfall. 

The replica Ongaku looks sick. I am looking to upgrade to a really nice SET amp for my main setup and that definitely pique my interest.

I would second the Audio Note recommendations.

For an integrated amp, one should also consider Triode Lab, the 2A3 EVO recently reviewed in Stereophile. Triode Lab makes excellent SET amps and SET integrated amps. Sure, I am biased because I am a happy Triode Lab customer.

For bookshelf speakers (preferably stand-mount), there aren't many 92 db sensitive and above. The NOLA Boxer as stand-mount speaker for SET amps is reasonably efficient, reasonably priced, and has great sound.