High end bookshelf speakers for Small room

I have to downsize my listening room. Looking to get a pair of bookshelf speakers for a room size 13x14 which has furniture carpet and I plan to do some acoustic treatment if needed. Would love to get some subs as well. Currently I have rels510 which might be too much for this small room.. 

My audio chain - Aurender N20, dCS Rossini + clock, luxman509z amp. 

Music preference - Acoustic, rock, pop, piano, instrumental.. pretty much different genres. 

Sound preference - bold close to you vocals, clean detailed sound. Slightly warm is fine. 

Current candidates - TAD ME/CE, Joseph audio pulsar2, dynaaudio, Sonia Faber.. 

Any inputs here are much appreciated.. thanks in advance



@allenf1963 if you open a ticket


they will tell you why your post was removed. 

If other users flag it, it will be removed, regardless of the content

@grislybutter -- Thank you very much.  I have NO IDEA why anyone would have flagged the comment unless they have a personal beef with Watkins Stereo Center LOL.


All I did was give background on the business (it's been around since 1974), told how William Watkins patented the dual woofer that Infinity bought, mentioned some of the legendary speaker models they have made, and gave info on how the OP could look at their website and buy direct.  It blows me away what the Mods delete sometimes.


I appreciate your info.  I sure as heck am going to inquire why it was removed.  If someone asks about speaker suggestions and the Mods censor brands, that is some royal cow dung (I don't want to use the proper word for fear of being accused of cursing!)

@allenf1963  , I read your post and was intrigued by the speakers (actually I have found myself intrigued by many of the suggestions as not too long ago I was looking to upgrade my existing two ways which are in a small room).  If I remember corectly, based on my limited knowledge regarding efficient and minimum impedance, those looked like they would be a pretty easy load to drive.  If I was still looking for speakers, I'd seriously consider looking at those.  

Anyway, as I typed, I read your post, and nothing I remember reading was objectionable or seemed to cross any lines. As I remember you did state that you were not affiliated with the company, and I've seen likes to different products provided before on other posts.  If you find out why your post was deleted, let us know.

Did not get to read your post involving Watkins product and or service, as I’ve several of their vintage makings I’m always interested in hearing different views concerning, do update. 

@immatthewj and @1971gto455ho -- Thank you for your kind words and interest in my post. I took the advice of @grislybutter and opened a ticket to ask Audiogon why my post regarding Watkins Stereo Center and their Generation 4 speakers was removed by the Mods. This is the reply I received:




Aug 25, 2024, 9:40 AM EDT


It was removed because it appeared to selling in the forums.
Your post had links to the Manufacturer’s website.



I typically avoid conflict and let sleeping dogs lie. The two links that I included did nothing but show the awards Watkins Stereo has received over the years from leading audio magazines, gave the technical specs of the Generation 4 speakers, showed the direct price and woods available, and gave some history on the late William Watkins, Sr. -- a legend in audio for anyone from Upper East Tennessee, SW Virginia, or Western North Carolina. His Dual Woofer design (a patent that was sold to Infinity in the late 1970’s and used in the Infinity Reference Speaker line) made the WS-1, WS-1E, and WE-1 speakers an incredible value and put little old Kingsport, TN, on the audio map. From the reply, it’s obvious nobody clicked my links.


More irritating, however, is this thread currently has TWENTY OTHER RESPONSES WHICH INCLUDE LINKS TO MANUFACTURERS WEBSITES OR SITES SELLING BOOKSHELF SPEAKERS. So why was my posts singled out? Because Watkins Stereo doesn’t advertise on Audigon and only sells Direct to the consumer? I just believe what’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander. So if 19 other people can include links to product pages, I should be given the same courtesy.


The soapbox has now been destroyed, burned, and the ashes spread as fertilizer. The soup bone is also consumed. @saurabhgarg, good luck in your speaker search, and if this thread survives, let us know what you buy. Just don’t include links wink.