@carlsbad2 not sure what your getting at but your statement that there should be no discernable difference between local ripped files and streamed is incorrect.
When I listen to a CD at WAV resolution it’s anywhere from 500 to 800 megabytes of data, if you stream the same album it is going through lots of compression algorithms and you are downloading maybe 50 to 80 megabytes.
My local source file is traveling from the SSD hard drive in my Aurender a few inches to the USB output then to my DAC, when you stream a album it is going from a server farm somewhere in the world through thousands of miles of fiber and copper lines through multiple computers and devices in the chain of your ISP, then to your modem, then to your router, then another run of patch cord coppper cable and heavily compressed and decompressed many times along the way.
Proclaiming that they should have no discernable difference doesn’t make it so, it’s very very obvious by using the ear test that uncompressed local files are superior to Qobuz streamed music, and I will admit Qobuz sounds pretty good but not even close to local files on the HDD.
I recommend you get a streamer with onboard hard drive and hear for yourself , I love my Aurender but there are others that have onboard storage.
PS - My Aurender is hard wired, Aurender doesn’t even have Wi-Fi you can only hard wire it and I use a high quality shielded Cat7 patch cord to go to the double isolated LAN port on the Aurender. I do plan to get a audiophile network switch at some point and maybe try a audiophile expensive patch cord, but I haven’t spent the money on that just yet.