+1 @yyzsantabarbara for the CODA S5.5 amp
The S5.5 at $6K new is one of the rarely true hifi bargains, just as good in most ways and better in some than my Gryphon Diablo 300. It is a high current design in Class A but doesn't run particular hot.
There is a LONG thread here on Audiogon about it with rave comments from owners.
Your $30K budget may convince you to look elsewhere but that would be a mistake.
The only amp I have heard in my system as good is the Simaudio 860 V2, BUT at $20K it is not exactly a steal (used would be the way to go but they don'tcome up for sale often). The newest version is even more money but apparently there is a buzz growing about it, haven't heard it myself but likely it would be worth an audition.