The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD

A few days ago, one of my favorite YouTube channels did a video on the CD. This channel (Asianometry) always does an incredible job telling the story of different technologies, technical industries and/or products.

I think most of you will find the 25 minute video to be very interesting.

Asianometry - The rapid start (& end) of the CD


CDs outsell Vinyl in Great Britain and Europe (per unit). There are titles you can only get on CD and vice versa with streaming. I can give a tinkers fart how many articles and videos come out touting the death of CDs and Vinyl as it's usually from someone who streams and has an axe to grind (looking for justification of monies spent, tribal associations, looking for those clicks and eyeballs or just a malcontent).

This is getting old and kinda pathetic. Enjoy what you like and have and stop with the proselytizing. It's a stupid hobby and not a religion but if it is for you, get some much needed help.

All the best,

@2psyop  I understand thoroughly.  Don't mean to be so blunt, but my previous post says it all in a nutshell.  That's the true reality of the digital world as we live in it today.  I didn't make it that way.  It just is.  Also, music listening and high end audio is supposed to be a fun, passionate, source of pure pleasure, whether that pleasure comes via cassette deck, vinyl, CD, streaming, or, whatever.  Happy listening.   

If you have a good digital source like transport and dac. Or even a nice sacd player. You can enjoy xrcds, sacd, FIM recordings. I love playing sacds and highend cd recordings, for sacd esoteric and Venus are amazing.

@nonoise I fail so see what you’re getting so riled up about. Because you’re the only one here that’s claiming that anyone’s touting the death of CDs and vinyl. Also, no one has any old axe to grind. Fact is, regardless of what you, or anyone else, are willing to except, and regardless of what the audiophile articles and videos say, the popularity of CD and vinyl are still only mere shadows of their former selves, compared to the heyday years of CD and vinyl (not even a mere shadow). Now, that’s the reality of the new non physical digital media world that we live in today. Whether you like it or not. The good news is, anyone can always opt to enjoy whatever source of musical media that pleasures them, whether is be CD, vinyl, reel to reel, compact cassette tape, or streaming. Happy listening.

@kennymacc maybe I can’t read but nowhere I saw @nonoise to be riled up..He was factual and empathetic as always


(I don’t get brownies for this but I should)


If anyone is riled up about one extreme, it seems to be you :)