If the Prima Luna employs two tube rectifiers for a split power supply, as their ad copy says and a photo of the underside seems to confirm, and one rectfier isn’t working, then only one channel would work. So I don’t know what you put in there but there should have been no sound from one channel if it was a KT150.
Yes, you can use tubes other than actual rectifiers as rectifiers, though a pentode or beam power tube would likely not work as well. Some Western Electric 300B amplifiers used 300Bs as rectifiers, and there were broadcast amps that used 211s as rectifiers. A rectifier is a just a diode, so if you take a triode and short the grid to take it out of the picture, you’ve got a diode.
Regardless, whatever you did in this case I would recommend you not do again. Use the recommended tube to avoid harming your preamp.