Is the volume control on the Transport or the DAC?

It seems a silly question but that's my ignorance. I am currently using an Audio Aero Capitole CD player in my system to drive a pair of monoblocks. I do not use a preamp nor am I contemplating buying one.

I am looking for a back up player and have spotted an Audio Aero Prima Mk II but the latter has a volume output of 2.2V, no volume control but has a digital output.

My question is, ifever the transport/disc reading of my Capitole becomes capricious, will I be able use the Prima as a transport and the Capitole as a DAC? If so, will I be able to control the volume level through the Capitole?

Or simply put, does the volume control of a Transport/DAC combo lie with the Transport of the DAC?

Second question, I am being offered a perfectly working Resolution Audio CD55 at a bargain price (around $800) which I am very tempted to buy as back up in place of the AA Prima but someone very knowlegeable in the field has recommended me to buy a used Resolution Audio Opus 21 instead. But times are hard and I am not keen on splashing out twice that sum on a back up player. Should I go for the Prima or the Resolution Audio. Both are at the same price point. I like the sound of my Capitole and play all kinds of music but more classical - Tchaikosky & Strauss type.

Many thanks for your advice and help.
Is there a dealer on La Reunion? I'd bet not but you might ask. In any case, I guess airfreight St. Denis to Paris would not be cheap...
I did quite a bit of research on AA dealership in La Reunion but in vain. Am quite sure they do sell it there but what I know if that outside some major countries (USA for instance) all repairs have to be handled by AA factory.
For example, a UK customer willing to upgrade Capitole to SE (which is a simple straight forward technical work) has to have to send it to his dealer in UK who will send it to France i.e. teh upgrade is not done by the UK distributor.

In any case, Mauritius to Reunion then to France and back through the same route to Mauritius will probably entail more cost, but also more stops and handling and a definite possibility that the player will arrive DOA.
Now the best for the last, the current rate quoted by DHL for sending my Capitole to France & back is around USD 1200 + handling and documentaion fees + brokerage + customs + VAT on repairs etc..... much more expensive than paying an air ticket to France.
Ouch. Shame on me for expecting that it would not be so expensive. La Reunion is an expensive place to be (as I expect Mauritius is), but I would have expected air freight to be somewhat subsidized. My idea on a dealer on LR was that he would have an even cheaper way to ship it...
Hi T-Bone
Just had a look at your two systems, am impressed by your Horn speakers. Very unsual and ...mmm scary too.. I myself am thinking of making a trip to Germany to listen to a Velvat Pulseon horn speaker. Looking at your assembly, you seem to be quite knowledegeable about gears. Can you send me a private e-mail, I want to discuss an audio issue with you. My e-mail is