High-Power DC power supply upgrade for NAIM amp?

I am considering the NAIM SuperNait3 integrated amp and keep hearing about the High-Power DC power supply upgrade. 

What is the impact of adding the High-Power DC power supply upgrade to this amp?  Is the High-Power DC power supply upgrade a NAIM product or, if not, where can I find it?   How much does the High-Power DC power supply upgrade cost?

Has anyone added the High-Power DC power supply upgrade to this amp and what were the results?   Did you notice an improved sound quality?   Any additional comments are welcomed.   Thanks..


Of course, after I posted the above, I found more info below:

"The Naim HiCap DR and SuperCap DR are both power supplies designed to enhance the performance of NAIM audio systems, but they differ significantly in their capabilities and applications.

- **HiCap DR**: This is a compact power supply that can be used with a range of Naim components, including the Supernait integrated amplifiers and certain preamplifiers like the NAC 282. It is known for improving sound quality by enhancing instrumental timbres and controlling bass more effectively. Users report a noticeable uplift in sound quality when paired with integrated amps like the Supernait 2.

- **SuperCap DR**: This is a more advanced power supply, typically used with higher-end Naim preamplifiers. It offers multiple power outputs and can drive more demanding components, providing an even greater enhancement in sound quality compared to the HiCap DR. Users often transition to the SuperCap DR when moving towards a system with separate components, indicating its suitability for more complex setups.

In summary, while both power supplies enhance sound quality, the SuperCap DR offers a more substantial improvement and is better suited for high-end, separate component systems, whereas the HiCap DR is ideal for integrated amplifiers and simpler setups".  


The external power supplies make a very big difference with Naim equipment.  No need to buy it immediately. Try the amp without it and listen for a while and then try it. I found the difference quite transformative with preamps and CD players. 

The NAIM HICAP DR power supply product is no longer available.

The TEDDY PARDO power supplies were designed to replace the Naim FlatCap, HiCap, SuperCap, and XPS power supplies in Naim Audio systems. They provide advantages over the original products at fraction of the cost, they provide cleaner DC resulting in better sound quality, they don’t hum, they are smaller in size, and do not require recapping every 10 years.

The TeddyCap Special Edition (SE) – Replaces one HiCap DR. The TeddyCap SE is a high-end power supply, dedicated to Naim’s integrated amplifiers, mainly SuperNait 1..3 and Nait XS 1..3. I also agree with @chayro comments above (amp first and then decide about the power supply).

Teddy CAP SE Power Supply Link

I emailed NAIM Customer Support asking about their power supply recommendations.

By far the best LPS Dc power supply. By far the best under $1200 

you can buy for $50: off on Audiogon Linear Tube Audio give them a call 

and great quality DC cable , put a decent power cord 

the Pangea awg 14  sig mk2 for $200 perfect complement

and better then the Naim power supply with ease !!

I've yet to find the amplifier, source, or processor that could not benefit from a higher-current, lower impedance, lower-noise power supply.