Just got the PS Audio Perfectwav DAC -- Amazing

For the last year my system has consisted of the Slim Devices Transporter (Transport + DAC) -> Bel Canto Ref1000 -> Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1

I listen to all my music digitally (lossless/flac). I was very happy with my original system but when the Perfectwave DAC came out I was intrigued. For quite a while I debated between the PW and keeping the transporter or modding it via Modwright.

I ended up getting the PW and though I can't compare it to a modded transporter, it blows the stock transporter out of the water. I should note that since the network bridge isnt out for the PW, I am currently streaming music via the transporter -> coaxial out (spdif) -> PW.

I have only listened for ~5 hours so far, but things I have noticed right away is much cleaner/tighter bass. The low end is so much more accurate than it was before. When comparing, the transporter sounded very muddy (even though at the time I though it was quite good). The mids and highs are tighter as well. The separation has improved quite a bit as well. I have immediately noticed that the loudness of different instruments is wider spread than listening to the same songs on the transporter.

Hope this helps! If anyone has any questions about the PW or the transporter I will try my best to answer them.
The digital volume control seems like such a deal breaker.

If you pay something in the neighborhood of $3k, for the sake of hi-fi, only to watch the accuracy of the system go away dramatically with a digital volume knob, it seems a shame.

I think that the $400 DacMagic paired with a midfi preamp (altogether, less than $1k) would sound better than a $3k DAC that uses a digital volume knob.
I think that the $400 DacMagic paired with a midfi preamp (altogether, less than $1k) would sound better than a $3k DAC that uses a digital volume knob.

You're thinking is way off. It simply is not possible that the $400 DacMagic paired with a midfi preamp could ever sound as good as the PWD. I assume that you have not heard the PWD for yourself and are merely speculating. If you have the opportunity, listen for yourself…

There is no loss in the upper 50 percent of the digital volume with the PWD used as a preamplifier. That said, I prefer to use a preamplifier – with the PWD volume set at 100 percent.
2chnlben, do your homework on how a digital volume control gets the job done.

On the other hand, if you cannot tell the difference between an mp3 version of a song and the version on the CD, then you might be OK with it...

No need for the immature rhetoric…homework aside, the PWD is simply in another league compared to what you offered as a “better alternative.” The type of conjecture that you offer happens all of the time at this, and other sites – in that a someone make a generalization or even an attempted rationalization about a given product based on everything (except) hands-on experience and primary knowledge of said product. I’d say that is a bit impetuous…
What’s an MP3 anyway!
trebejo...i am not familiar with the pwd volume control however there are methods of digital volume control that do not degrade the signal. i know the berkeley alpha dac's does not and i believe there are others. figured i would jump in and complicate things...