which power amp or integrated for Totem Element Fire v2's?

trying to find a match for these speakers and something tells me I'm not there yet

so in the price range of the pieces mentioned below;

Hegel H390 and Parasound JC5 did not seem to match, neither did Sim Audio 400m monos nor Bryston 4B3

this is for 2 channel stereo streaming via tidal,

I can go integrated or power amp (preferably without a preamp)

if going power amp only, I would use my RME ADI-2 DAC FS directo to amp from a Bluesound Node X

or my Eversolo DMP A8 direct to power amp

my only general  preference is for for higher power amps as I find them a bit more versatile if/when switching speakers but open to anything at the moment

appreciate any suggestions


honestly hard to say what I find lacking , just that feeling you get when you know you have or do not have a great match

the Hegel was just a good not great amp,

same with the Sim400s

Parasound was outstanding but the preamp was coloured and cumbersome, power amp phenomenal just not a match for my speakers imo

the dealer worked at Totem and knows these speakers inside out

he recommended Mcintosh, Accuphase and Lux

he sells neither, I just ordered a demo Mcintosh MA9000 on his recommendation

as I like to move my amps around I suspect the sheer mass may be an issue, we'll see I guess

Lux and Accuphase are out for me as I have gone through repair hell in the past with units both on and off warranty

I'm hoping between the Mcintosh and a few other recommendations I'll likely try the aforementioned MF, Purifi, and possibly Rotel Michi and Technics SUr1000

what I am really hoping for is owner recommendations, does not appear this speaker model is particularly popular



I'm powering my Fire V2's with a Mac MC-312, via a PrimaLuna Evo 400 preamp.  (kinda the best of both worlds, tubes and the "upper cut" from a big class AB amp)

I had the Fire V2s and now I have the Metal V2s. I have a Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 integrated amp and I have tube separates. The Rowland amp is class d and into 4 ohms it’s 800 watts per side. My tubes amps use 2 X 6550 tubes and are about 46 watts per side. 
Both amps sound great with the Totems but have completely different presentations. If you don’t want tubes you should look into Jeff Rowland. 

thanks all, I think my search is over, dealer failed me on his promised demo but

was able to snag a mint vintage mcintosh mc402, so RME direct to amp

speakers are now in full bloom, none of my previous amps opened up these speakers like this amp and do they ever sound alive

my first world pain has now shifted to wishing on upgrade funds towards the Metals

these Fire standmounts are absolute outstanding, just silly good for their asking price,