Worth repairing a Velodyne ULD-12 from the 90's?

My father had an older Velodyne ULD-12 from the 90's that I inherited when he passed.  It is not working.  I have no need for it but I'm wondering if it's worth repairing.  Do they have any market value these days?  Or should I just toss it?  


I would only repair if it has sentimental value.  Modern subwoofers are hard to sell and get repaired.  Older ones are heavier and will be more difficult.  You might find a vintage shop that would take it for parts or might have an interest in refurbing.  That would be your best bet

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Sell for parts or buy another for parts to solve the issue. If you can't do the work yourself it might be best to sell for parts. Someone out there will need it.