Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated

I came up with this list based on price and functions but all I know is that they are (mostly) boutique brands, cherished by audiophiles. I have heard NAD and Vincent and none of the rest. 

  • Vincent SV-500
  • Primare I2*
  • Rogue Sphinx v2
  • Audio by Van Alstine Vision SLR 
  • Hegel H160/ H120
  • NAD C368
  • Simaudio Moon I-5

I don't stream, I have a turntable and CD player. I am good with 50Watts per channel, and I would like to avoid tubes for no-fuss maintenance. I have Klipsch RP8000F speakers. I prefer sound on the warm side, I mostly listen to 60s and 70s rock and some soul/jazz/blues. I have decent hearing, I enjoy a nice soundstage but I nothing as critical and analytical as some of you/the typical audiophile. 

I am a bit shallow, looks are important :) My budget would allow me to buy one of these used 5-10 years old (stretched... price is key, I would prefer a cheaper model with less functions)

If you own or have heard any of them and can tell me what the best choice/value is based on sound and reliability, that would be a great help.



Yes, though couple points.  $1000 20+ years ago is $1800 in today’s dollars, and $750 Canadian is $573 U.S.  I agree though that if OP interested he might want to offer less.  I still have my old Complete, though it’s boxed and in storage now - I’d offer it to the OP but it has a crackly sound in left channel when adjusting volume; would require service.  Re OP question re detail, I would think it would be a nice match for the Klipsch.  I originally paired mine with JMLabs Cobalt 816 speakers, which lean towards analytical.  The combo was nicely balanced.

@mdalton with the CAD-USD rate, if it's in top condition, it's a fair price. 

@mbmi  I do not know* how to get in touch with Belles or any listed nearby dealers. That's a very outdated list. I highly value his work but he doesn't seem to care about selling. 

* I mean I do know, I message them many times, zero response. 

HI, I purchased the YAMAHA a-s 701, on a tight budget. And I am truly sorry. Wait until you have saved up for something that will please you for years, not leave you contiually searching for it's replacement.

The guys here are really helpfull, and are all genuine.

Good luck.


@irjones I agree but I am also worried I can be just as disappointed in a $2000 amp than in a $500 one, it's a risky game. My only safety would be if I can try it first. When I buy used, I have to call it final, as re-selling would come at a loss.

On the plus side my budget is modest enough that I am not rolling the dice with 1000s just 100s.