New or Old DAC

I currently have an older Theta front end. Data ll transport & Chroma HDCD. I like it, even though it is old and discontinued. I would like to update my DAC first , I am looking for a Theta Pro Gen va. I know the sound of the older Theta stuff and like it. But, are there any newer DAC's out there in that $1K (used) price range that can really give an equal or better performance than the Pro Gen Va? Do the newer anti jitter (re-clocking) DACS fall into that price range?

thanks, mike
You want the short version? Analog based DC Power is a completely bogus and twisted concept. Analog based DC Power, this is your word construct, not mine! It is something that would be constructed by someone who has no idea of how a Power Supply works in any Stereo Component. It sounds like someone who doesn't know what he is talking about, trying to pretend like he knows what he is talking about. Life is too short to have the wool pulled over one's eyes. I enjoy myself more when someone is NOT seriously trying to jerk my chain. Life is too long to allow such a gross conceptual error to continue!

Not much need to read beyond the first line or two from Po's posts. I haven't been able to either. He is however part of our community and he certainly does take this hobby seriously...
Great! Analog based DC Power exists, the Earth really is flat, the Moon is really made of Green Cheese, the Loch Ness Monster really exists, so does Big Foot, the Land of OZ really exists, and Smoking actually improves your health! Are there any other Myths out there that someone wants to carve into reality? I don't want to be part of a Community that conveniently lives in complete denial of Reality, one that chooses to ignore that Man hiding behind that curtain in the Land of OZ! You just can't make things up as you go along, and then get offended when someone challenges your Fantasy with a healthy dose of reality! Perhaps this is all nothing more than Angel Dust Flashbacks to the Land of OZ. Just one request, can I be there when anyone decides that they can fly, and jumps off a cliff to prove it? I know, I am the idiot for even concidering the downside of this endeavor! How dare I insult anyones attempt at this brave exercise! I am the one who's logic is flawed! I'm not being very nice and dyplomatic about this example of absolute stupidity! I am calling the Men In Black, you have got to be the nuttiest excuse for an Alien from another Planet! No wonder that you will believe just about anything you read and hear, no matter how much Reality exists to the contrary. You don't want to read beyond the first line or two, because it would really upset your existence in a Fantasy World! Analog based DC Power does not exist, it is a Government Conspiracy to get you to buy more expensive Stereo's to help support the Economy! Is that enough Fantasy for you to now believe, I can just as well make it up as I go along! Wait, they have found me, they are pounding at the door! It is the Government, they have come to get me! Make sure more people are informed of the Conspiracy, gotta go!
I am still awaiting an answer! How is A.C. Current that has been Rectified to D.C. Current, and is Voltage Regulated, and now supplies Analog as well as Digital Stages, Analog Based? Direct Current is Direct Current regardless if it is supplying Analog or Digital Stages, perhaps at a different Voltage, but it is still Direct Current! What is your basis of, "Analog Based" in Direct Current?

Seems pretty apparent, at least to me, that all John meant is that the circuitry (or at least most of the circuitry) in most power supplies is analog circuitry utilizing analog components.

-- Al
Old DAC's are simply not as good as newer ones, even across price ranges, it's that simple. The underlying technology has advanced so much, it's not even close. The signal processing is so much improved through the new chips sets and firmware, that even the best analog output stage couldn't make up the difference.

BTW, who care, just listen to vinyl!!