New or Old DAC

I currently have an older Theta front end. Data ll transport & Chroma HDCD. I like it, even though it is old and discontinued. I would like to update my DAC first , I am looking for a Theta Pro Gen va. I know the sound of the older Theta stuff and like it. But, are there any newer DAC's out there in that $1K (used) price range that can really give an equal or better performance than the Pro Gen Va? Do the newer anti jitter (re-clocking) DACS fall into that price range?

thanks, mike
Thanks for further clarifying what I was alluding to Al. I'm glad you were able to understand my interpretation of 'power supply'. Always good to have an EE handy to straighten out miscommunications. ;D

It sounds like someone who doesn't know what he is talking about, trying to pretend like he knows what he is talking about. Life is too short to have the wool pulled over one's eyes. I enjoy myself more when someone is NOT seriously trying to jerk my chain. Life is too long to allow such a gross conceptual error to continue!

I don't know. There may still be a conspiracy the very least, some real chain-pulling – and at worst, truly gross conceptual error…

Life IS too short for (this) type of behavior….
I don't know. There may still be a conspiracy the very least, some real chain-pulling – and at worst, truly gross conceptual error…

Life IS too short for (this) type of behavior….

Huh? What are you talking about, Ben? Or are you just trying to be inflammatory?

-- Al
Al, it appears as if Ben is replying to Pettyofficer's 2nd post on 9/15/09. I give Ben credit if he can read through all that stuff, he's a better man than I am. I saw a wall of hieroglyphics and just gave up.

I think you cleared it up well Al, and I think it's now time to put this thread to bed. I now wish I had just bailed after my first reply.......sigh. Apologies to Mikedaniels for turning this thread into another mess. That's why I suggested to search the archives, this mess happens quite a bit with many questions, including this one.

Like John says…

I guess I neglected to include the Insert-Humor-Here tag; albeit inflammatory humor.