Al, it appears as if Ben is replying to Pettyofficer's 2nd post on 9/15/09. I give Ben credit if he can read through all that stuff, he's a better man than I am. I saw a wall of hieroglyphics and just gave up.
I think you cleared it up well Al, and I think it's now time to put this thread to bed. I now wish I had just bailed after my first reply.......sigh. Apologies to Mikedaniels for turning this thread into another mess. That's why I suggested to search the archives, this mess happens quite a bit with many questions, including this one.
I think you cleared it up well Al, and I think it's now time to put this thread to bed. I now wish I had just bailed after my first reply.......sigh. Apologies to Mikedaniels for turning this thread into another mess. That's why I suggested to search the archives, this mess happens quite a bit with many questions, including this one.