Hot off the press...Technics SL 1300G

I'm an admirer of the current lineup. Appears to be solid for the price point-$3200?

Once a Matt is on that platter, can a reflex clamp be used on that stubby spindle?

What do you DD users do with those less than flat gems found in the bins?



Yep, came here to post the exact same thing!  Looks like a solid refinement and the price is right.  Can't go wrong IMO.  

I've had a SL-1200 with all the KAB treatments for the past 8 years.  The new technics tables have me thinking... but i'm not so sure it'd be an upgrade from what I have now.  I was originally looking at the 1200G. 

The G series, available since 2016 I think, is better in every way than your SL1200. Technics made a marketing choice to make the G look like the 1200, but under the skin they’re quite different, and the G series are better. Now might be a time to get a good deal on a G, when dealers might be changing over to the G2.

@lewm + 1 I've got a 1200G and love it; I'll be interested to see how this compares....

Probably only an incremental improvement vs G motor controller. Possibly not audible, would be my guesses.