Rogue Audio RP-1 DAC use

I just added a Rogue RP-1 to my system. I use a Bluesound Vault 2 as a music server. Befor the Rogue I have been able to tell the difference in different DAC's I've had. My equipment is Emotiva XMC-1, Oppo 105, Bluesound Vault 2, AV123 strata Mini speakers and a SVS 300bp subwoofer.

I've compared the Oppo 105 to the Vault and the Oppo was definitely better, I've also compared the Vault to the XMC-1 and the XMC-1 was better.

Since installing the Rogue RP-1 they all seem to sound the same, even borrowed a Schiit Bitfrost. Again I could not hear a difference. So I have just simplified my setup and I'm just using the the RCA out from the Vault to one of the RP-1 inputs.

Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong



No, jbuhl. Before the RP-1 the DAC from the Oppo 105 was an improvement from a Pioneer Elite rcvr on board DAC a Cambridge DAC magic then a Sherbourn PT-7030 preamp on board DAC and a Schiit Bifrost original DAC, in that order. After replacing the Sherbourn with the Emotiva XMC-1 I noticed I couldn’t really tell the difference between the XMC-1 and the Oppo. BUT they were BOTH better than the DAC in the Bluesound Vault. Since I was mostly just using the Oppo as a DAC, I sold it to help finance a new turntable. SINCE installing the RP-1, the DAC from the Vault sounds as good as the DAC from the XMC-1(actually I hear no difference between the XMC-1, Bifrost or the Vault DAC) I have a friend with the same speakers AV123 Strata Mini’s (i don’t wish for the pro’s or con’s of those speakers to be a part of this discussion) an XMC-1, an Oppo 205 and a Bluesound Vault. He just got a used RP-1 (by the way mine is used also, we both got them through Audiogon sellers) he also says at first listen he can’t tell the difference between the Oppo 205 DAC and the Vault DAC(he’s just complaining a cross country move will give a more critical listen later) he says BEFORE installing the RP-1 the Oppo DAC was better.

Just wondering if my speakers could be the limiting factor here?  They are not very efficient AV123 Strata Mini's.

Added the Topping D90SE, hard to put what I hear or don’t hear into words. I guess you can say it seems pretty neutral with all kinds of music (at least the music listen to). I especially notice when I listen at louder levels. Got a GREAT price on the Topping

If your RP1 has stock JJs you should plan to try better tubes. Brimar CV4003 from Upscale Audio were amazing in the RP1. Gold Lions were really nice as well.