Transparent Audio power cords

I have a question for experienced users about certain Transparent cords. The application is on a McCormack Audio DNA-500 amp (w/ the SMC audio Silver Plus upgrade) driving Focal Sopra 2 speakers. The cord in use now is a Transparent Powerlink MM2 (mm2x serial number). This cord was the next step above the Reference in the mm2 generation. The name of the Powerlink MM2 cord was changed to XL for the Gen 5 and Gen 6 products.

I have tried both the Reference Gen 5 and Reference Gen 6 cords on this amp which according to theory, they should sound better than the Powerlink MM2. Both are, in general, respectively, a step up in sound quality as would be expected. However, we now get to my issue, neither of the two Reference cords has enough "meat on the bones" compared to the Powerlink MM2. They are just lighter weight sounding. The likely thought is to try a Gen 5 or Gen 6 XL cord but, the price point for a new Gen 6 XL cord is getting uncomfortable.

So, will an XL cord give me that weight and solidity I'm after or might I want to be looking at another brand to get the sound where I want it to be while trying to rein in the cost.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmwh777

Audiophiles are not taking money out of the naysayers pocket to spend on audio cables and equally, the naysayers are also not spending their own money on the "snake oil" products.

^ this

Consumers are getting ripped off is the point .
but apparently it escapes some of you .;and the "flat earthers" are the fools who deny science some of whom are even scientists who should know better!
a scam is a scam no different than bitcoin scam ( billions of $ in USA ) ad homenin arguments attacking me or Gene who could clearly Bury most of the deluded w/ knowledge and credibility and honesty ! is intellectually dishonest !
better you are just honest and admit it when something does not work and say "yes , i like to waste $ " As to supporting , enriching a scam artist who sells the scam ? it stands to reason some of the + reviews for things that do NOT work MUST be paid shills of the scammer. so shame on you !
I belong to SAE do serious auto part engineering and do not suffer fools gladly !
you cannot get away w/ bs ing car parts ( or spacecraft ! ask Boeing ! ) but you sure can w/ audio gear this is proof !
some of the scammers who can’ t rip people off w/ Bit coin or other clever schemes have found a safe niche hawking bogus audio gear ! they can actually GET AWAY W / IT !
gee i’d like new Ferrari too ! but i earn my $ honestly .. HOW DARE YOU ! LOL smiley

Mwh777,  next time you ask a cable question, you may want to ask the deniers not to comment.  The actual question gets lost, and it ends up being "Are cables snake oil" again. We have to listen to the same bs again. We are being  saved from our mass delusion. Anyway, up to you.

I have different cables so I can't help you with you're question. Only had a bottom  of the line Transparent digital cable 10 years ago. Good Luck!

@acman3 , I've tried that, doesn't help. The more fanatical types see that as a challenge and an open invitation to continue to try to intervene in other people's lives to "save" them from themselves. Yet, I don't see the federal or state governments trying to put any of these "snake oil" companies out of business. They are entitled to their opinion and ought to just be happy with the type of audio equipment and type of sound that works for them and stop wasting their time and mental energy pestering the rest of us.

I always have a fear of being robbed and tied up with electrical cords. So I bought transparent cables because they are a lot thicker and you really can’t bend them easily so they aren’t very good for tying me up.