Rega Planar 3 upgrades

Hi Everyone,

I have a couple of quick turntable related questions for the community.

A little background.  I currently have two turntable setups.  One is a Clearaudio Concept with a Dynavector 10x5 cartridge.  The other is Rega Planar 3 (2016 version) with an Ortofon 2M Bronze.

I've been thinking of upgrades for the Planar 3 and took the plunge on a new Neo TTPSU.  Any thoughts on a Groovetracer sub platter?  How close would I be to a Planar 6 at that point?

The Clearaudio MM cartridge that came with the Concept table was barely used when I upgraded the cartridge to the 10x5.  I still have it laying around.  Can anyone recommend to me a good relatively cheap (under $400) turntable that would be a good fit for this cartridge?  I believe it weights 8 grams and has a tracking force of 1.9 to 2.5g.

One final question.  Can anyone recommend a decently easy to use cartridge protractor?  I need to learn to do my own setups.

Thank you


Used vintage Thorens TD125 will be a huge upgrade to P3. You can also use Rega tonearm on Thorens, but the original one insn't any worse.

Good, easy to use protractor: Feickert.

More complex to use and more expensive: Smartractor 

The Vinyl Source custom arc protractor is as good as any and that includes the Mint Best protractors and can be had for $32.00 delivered, do your self a favor and check them out. You will also need a good set of shims to level the VTA for different carts and I would recommend the split spacers that you can loosen the arm and slip the two halves in from the side. I purchased a RP3 used and approached upgrades starting with the cheapest first, changed out the bearing to a ceramic one made washers for the feet to level the table and removed the felt slip mat and replaced it with an Audioquest sorbathane record mat that I had used on my AR EB101 20 years ago (3.2mm thick) these things got me where I needed to be with this table and I really enjoy this table in my headphone setup. I run a Grace F9R with the Soundsmith OCL stylus assembly. WTS, I would not put anymore $ into that table, I would just sell it and move up the chain to a better table. Enjoy the music

Please don't discount @lewm suggestion of the Feickert protractor, although expensive you will never have to buy another one if you change arms/tables in the future. Enjoy the music