To mod or not to mod, dac is the question

I have recently purchased an Oppo BDP-83. I am very pleased with everything about it. But as all of us know audiophiles are CRAZY....sooooo...I am trying to figure out what upgrade would be the best bang for the buck to make it sound even BETTER. Understand that only one option is affordable and/or passes the WAF.

Do I Mod the BDP-83 or do I buy a good DAC?. Which option would improve the playback sound quality the MOST?.

I have been reading about some of the mods offered and it seems to be unanimous that mods do bring it up to a much higher level, but I also read about the platform and transport reliabilty issues and investing a fair amount of money in such. The thought having a DAC (never had one) if it significantly improves the sonics seems to be an attractive option as well. Well Audiogon ... weigh in!!
The Civic/Ferrari analogy is not a great one, unless you are starting out with very inferior gear. Say a no name DVD player. Let's get closer to your Oppo-Mod with a car analogy.

Any Ferrari is a great car, but just as a car, it's not 400% better in performance than a modded more reasonably priced car. Say you bought a Corvette for $65k new, and added $25k in mods (Supercharger, chassis, steering, transmission, suspension) and tuning. You have a $90k car that will go over 200mph, and corner with anything on earth. One of the best performace cars on earth.

Will the Ferrari still be worth more as far as market value? Yes, it's a Ferrari. But will it perform better? No, not anymore.

Modding audio gear can be the same way. I have heard some of the mods from Modwright and Reference Audio Mods that have been truly amazing.

I think you would be shocked how good your Oppo would sound, especially with the analog output stage modded.
ugh, now we have another vote for the MOD squad...mebbee I will just get my ipod and westone3s and sit in the dark.

Thanks all, we want some mo...we want some mo!!
Dear Kyneo, the MOD Squad includes Theta, Wadia, Mark Levinson, and just about every Silver Disk spinning High End Manufacturer Out there. All of them use Disk Drives made by Pioneer, Sony, or Phillips. Either you MOD for yourself, or you pay some High End Manufacturer a stiff price to MOD for you! You can also pay someone to MOD after your purchase. Perhaps you can explain exactly what the difference is, since all three are MOD's!
I am another for modifications. I have had at least 6 units modified over the years. It started with a very low end JVC dvd player then a Marantz SA12. Went to Denon's after this and have had a 5910CI for the last couple of years. The only issue I have had is a shipping issue.