How can Acoustic Revive RR-888 produce 7.83hz?

This is not meant to be a bashing post. I want to try and understand this device as I find it very interesting. I have no scientific background. I presume that 7.83hz is transmitted as a wave. I have previously gone to a professional sound room that was designed by world famous studio designer Tom Hidley to cleanly produce 20hz. Firstly the room needed to be of a certain dimension (which was bigger than my listening room). Secondly the speakers were large Kinoshita studio monitors with dimensions of 1050/1300/800cm with each monitor having 2 large bass drivers of some 16-18 inches in diameter. They were driven by Kinoshita-JMF HQS4200UPM mono power amps which each delivered 450w into 8ohms.

Presumably you would need a very large room to produce a 7.83hz wave? To quote from the Acoustic Revive website, "...we developed and manufactured a device to generate the 7.83Hz electric wave artificially, the Ultra-low Frequency generator RR-888". Am I missing something fundamental? How can such a small device generate such a wave in my 22x12x10 foot listening room?


Does anyone know why the RR-888 cost as much as it does? Is it putting out more wattage? Is it in the materials? 

I've used the Chartres resonators, used singly, multiples, different power supplies, many placements in room. They do change sound staging and imaging to some extent, whether good, bad or indifferent up to you.