???Compare-Contrast & Comment???5 Pairs Large Monitors

As stated in the title,seeking comments,comparisons & contrasts from anyone & everyone who has ears on experience with any of these large monitors in the last 1-2 years...
Spendor Classic 3/1
Harbeth M30.2/30.2XD
Reference 3a MM De Capo BE/BE II
Sonus Faber Sonetto II G2
Fritz Carbon 7 SE Mk.II


Side bar: if my mammary serves me right, the De Capo WAS the stand mount monitor that made the BBC's insignificant by audiophile standards.

Not to stir the pot too much.

Post removed 

Well, I own the Fritz Carbon 7 SE MKIIs. Can't make any comparison to the others mentioned. I find the Carbons to have a very even tonal balance, play deep enough into the bass region for my tastes (room about 11x15x8.5'), great soundstaging and image focus, with good dynamic range. A side from the sonics they are easy to drive having reasonable sensitivity and I believe more importantly a flat *ohm frequency response.  I drive them with electronics (pre & amp) costing 3X their price.