New cartridge ideas...

I have been considering a new cartridge (or a second new one to be more precise, sigh) and would like some feedback. 

Current cart is a Zyx ultimate 100.  System is Nottingham Spacedeck with additional isolation, Van Den Hul silver cables on and SME 309 arm and a couple of other tweaks, Vacuum State JLTi mark 2 phono stage (47K ohm or 470 ohm), Cayin 300B integrated with various high quality NOS tubes and EML tall mesh 300B tubes, to Omega floorstanding new AlNiCo single driver speakers and a pair of older Max Hemp subs (powered).  I am looking for a cartridge that will give more inner detail, a bigger soundstage and better imaging.  That said, neither the speakers nor the cart are fully broken in, so this might change.  I listen to classical music, and a variety of popular music with some jazz thrown in.  The classical is where I think the current Zyx might be lacking just a bit.  This said, I generally like the Zyx sound (had an Airy 3 before -- don't ask).  I would consider used if the situation is right.  Budget is say $1500 to $3,500. 

Some I am considering are:  Lyra Delos or used Kleos, Sumiko starling, Clearaudio Stradavari, Zyx Ultimate Airy or 4D used, gold Note Machiavelli, Rega Alpheta 3 MC, Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua, Ortofon Cadenza.

I have ruled out Koetsu, Grado, Benz, Goldring. 

Any thoughts on the list above or additional suggestions would be welcome.  I have not check the list for compatibility with the SME arm or the JLTi, so tha tmight narrow it down a bit.

Thanks for your help and the bandwidth.


Some cartridges I am considering are


I’m still modifying my turntable and I am focused on the EMT mono cartridge paired with a new Audiomods tonearm. I know, not your SME and you’re most likely not considering a mono cartridge but I just wanted to share my conceptual aesthetic. 

Good options you are looking at. Bigger bang for the buck may be Lyra Delos. Any reason you did not include Hana on your short list? ML may be a good option. Best would be Umami Blue if you can stretch your budget. Even better than Delos IMHO

keep us posted.

I bought a slightly-used Lyra Kleos from a dealer on US Audio Mart, and am quite happy with it.  The advantages of buying a slightly-used cart from someone you trust are the cost savings and the fact that it's already broken in.  The Kleos sounded great as soon as I got it properly set up (and you do need excellent setup skills/tools to do that).  I listen to a lot of classical music, and find the Kleos to have a pretty neutral frequency response; great, natural detail without sounding analytical; and an excellent soundstage.  Before that, I tried a Benz Ruby 2 from the same seller, and my long-term cartridge had been a Monster Cable Alpha Genesis 1000.  The Kleos is clearly a level better than those other two, and I can hear the improved neutrality over the AG1000, which had elevations in the frequency extremes.

Good luck finding a used Kleos, though.  I doubt there are a lot about.

I'm not familiar with your current cartridge or others that have been mentioned, but the Kleos has gotten much praise from critics and Audiogoners.  One practical thing I appreciate about it is that the cantilever extends out beyond the front of the body, and that aids in cuing a record.  So many other cartridges don't have this.

I decided to upgrade to a Zyx ultimate Airy x/sb low output.  I really like the Zyx sound and arrived there after trying several other cartridges out.  That is why I eliminated some outright.  I may try to find a Kleos to try also.  Zyx is just so good for the $ if you like that presentation.  

So the question I always ask when a customer presents me with a "cartridge sales opportunity" is how comfortable are you with having optimized your setup?

I don't mean merely setting geometry, nominal tracking force, VTA, etc, but tuning, tuning and then tuning some more. 

I lose quite a few sales when customers report an improvement.  Why do I do this (smile)?  Then again, some customers like to write a check to me and pray.  My starving pets are grateful ;-)

... Thom @ Galibier