Best low budget speakers for a Levinson 383 Integrated amp

Howdy folks!

I bought a Levinson 383 integrated years ago when it came out in 2000. I paired it with a pair of Revels and although it sounded good, not the perfect fit. Sold amp and speakers to sis and moved on. It worked perfect for her. After her recent passing, the amp is coming back home. Just curious what speakers you might suggest pairing it with. Nothing will replace my McIntosh Piega C10LTD combo in the main room but would like to hear it paired with the right speakers. That amp new was $6000 new. 100 watts. 

Something on the used market. They don't even need to look pretty just sound perfect. $2000 tops used is plenty. Thanks for your suggestions! 



Ive run B&W 804D3s for three years and I love them . Back in 2020 I listen to a pair of Harbeth 30.1s and they were specular to me . I couldn't get them out of my head. The Music Room  had a pair on sale and I bought them . I am so pleased with them ,I also run a SVS sub with them . You  Levinson has plenty of good clean  power and that's what the harbeth need . My room is 13 X 24  and if you don't need lots of hard rock and roll these speakers  for me are hard to beat. !   You can find a pair from around 2000 to 2500 used . Good Luck!

@mrfrito for some reason my responding to messages is disabled. Thank you for your note, I am honored!

Great suggestions coming in! And the harbeth M30.1 35th anniversary are vintage. I'd rather roll with vintage but that can be challenging when it comes to speakers. I use vintage tables, arms and carts. 

Best I ever heard them was with Aerial 7B (for whatever reason, I always liked the B series Aerial over the later T series). Pretty sure that none of them had stellar measurements).