IsoAcoustics GAIA

I have IsoAcoustics GAIA II isolators installed on my Sonus faber Liuto floorstander speakers on hardwood floor. I expected some improvement and I got it. Bass is cleaned up and tightened. Stage became more clear because isolators removed a curtain made by unfocused, scattered bass. Floor and sofa vibrations almost disappeared completely. And... WAF is good. GAIAs passed my wife's inspection. Is there anybody with some experience regarding those isolators?


Slight aside to the topic, though I do have Gaia's.  Installing was made significantly easier using a couple of small inflatable liftbags about £10/$15.  You still need somebody to steady them, but nobody is having to take the weight.

@bigwave1 Any firm opinions as whether to spike or not spike the Gaia's on carpet?

Definitely spike. The Gaia’s work best if they are firmly anchored. Your soundstage will improve when you install them. 

I just bought a pair of Sonus Farber speakers and haven’t put Gaia’s on them yet, but when I put them on my KEF Reference 5’s, they made an instant improvement in the presentation and the bass.

Vote for with the carpet spikes.  I ran one with one without and switched L to R channels, same test I did with and without GAIA's.

I had a little luck with my Gaia’s after replacing them with platforms. The threading for the speakers was identical to the threading on my amp stands. So, I removed the carpet spikes from the amps, replaced them with the Gaia’s and ordered some of the carpet spikes for the Gaia’s.