Recommendation for tube preamp

Hi, all. Initially I was going to ask, which would you rather own – Audio Research LS2B or (BAT) VK-3i? But realized I’m sure there are plenty of other tube options. As you can gather, I’m looking at around $2000 range. It will be driving ML 27.5 amp, which is partly why I’m looking specifically at balanced options. But I guess there’s no harm in using unbalanced>balanced cables? I listen mostly to jazz on vinyl, so I enjoy the details but not to clinical levels where it’s dry. I want warmth. Fine with a phono stage included, but not needed.

Appreciate any insight. Thanks.


Agree with ghdprentice that audio research preamps from the 6 and 8 series in particular have magnetic phono preamps that are better than almost any other.  The only other make I would consider perhaps as good is the M*******3A.


ps. excuse the brain fart on the exact name.....I'm 84.


This is great stuff. Thanks everyone. And actually, I'm bumping the budget to about $4K.

@hoytis When people ask me about tube preamps in this range, I don’t hesitate to suggest the PS Audio BHK Preamp. You can get them used for around $3200, and you can then invest a little bit into aftermarket tubes (the Brimar CV4003 are excellent in this unit, along with a few others) and a quality fuse (if you believe in them, as I do). Fully dialed in, I’ve heard the BHK perform against preamps twice its retail price. 

In full disclosure, I am a dealer for many high end brands, but I have never had a professional affiliation with PS Audio. I was only a user of some of their products earlier in my audiophile journey. It took a $20K preamp to truly beat the BHK with the way two of them were dialed in to separate systems at separate times.

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