AA for us

Is there such a place for us audiophiles: Audiophile's Anonymous? I feel that at this point that I am showing all signs of an addict and I am no longer a functioning addict, unfortunately. 

The only upside is that it is distracting me from other harmful activities such as watching the news x hours a day.



yes, added more @mitch2 and I added X that applies to me

excessive system cost to income ratio  
excessive system cost to disposable/WAS (wife approved spending) ratio x
tweaks and cables infatuation  
flavor of the day compulsion  
connection cleaning mania  
golden ears delusion x
fear of missing out phobia x
audio gear hoarding disorder x
fear of leaving the basement  
repetitive music track syndrome  
on-line forum obsession x
fear that wife finds out x
fear that wife comes home first and finds package x
I have to have that junk once in my life (for no apparent reason other than to have it)/similar to hoarding x
search for imaging that does not exist  
obsessive fear that one channel will go randomly x
    pervasive misrepresentation of prices paid  
   irrational perceived impunity from WAF  

Good ones, you might including something on 

  • pervasive misrepresentation of prices paid
  • irrational perceived impunity from WAF


Thought I would experiment with spicing up the pegboard (tried and true) by adding a mattress and some Texas hot sauce.

I'm quickly running out of new ideas @ my age.



I have tamed my obsessive/compulsive hobby proclivities by re-framing what I wish to accomplish. Stated simply, I aspire to be content versus happy. I also strive to be wise versus omniscient in my decisions.

The consumer market and advertising is geared toward "You can never be happy unless ... (fill in the blanks)." I certainly benefit from the experiences of fellow music enthusiasts. However, I stop reading when perceiving hubris or people asserting anything other than their equipment or experience is inferior.

The foregoing perspective allows me to keep an open mind, evaluate alternatives, and take my time in making decisions. Also, I keep in mind that all material items are a limited edition.  If a desired item goes out of production or is sold out, one can be assured that -- at some point -- it will be upgraded, replaced, or available in the used market place.  In the interim, count your blessings and enjoy the music.