Hot off the press...Technics SL 1300G

I'm an admirer of the current lineup. Appears to be solid for the price point-$3200?

Once a Matt is on that platter, can a reflex clamp be used on that stubby spindle?

What do you DD users do with those less than flat gems found in the bins?



lewm questioned the "spindle stress" statement better than I could.  I was about to ask in a somewhat less scientific way.

Would not a 1Kg Spindle Weight of the alternative Spindle Clamp Weighing 1Kg both place the same bearing pressure into the Thrust Pad ?

Both are Weights that are able to apply additional down force through the Spindle, hence the Ball and Thrust Pad are receiving the point force from the New Load.

@ozzy62 I was also curious about Technics 1200G a few months ago. I went to a local seller’s house to audition. It is a very good TT for the price. I liked the energy (especially good for reproducing live music) and accuracy. In spite of all the great qualities, I did not move forward with the purchase. To my ears, it was ’too’ neutral. Again, this is not a negative as I’m sure for many people this is a huge plus.

My old Micro Seiki TT, while nowhere close to Technics in terms of accuracy, energy, and stability, has a certain ’bloom’ that I quite prefer. It adds a bit of romanticism to the music, albeit, at the expense of accuracy. My digital front end is quite good at the moment, so when I listen to analog, I want it to sound different and not necessarily better. I found the sound of 1200G closer to my digital setup.

But with that being said, I’m conscious of the fact that what I heard at the seller’s house that day was his entire system and not just the 1200G. It is quite possible that I might have reached an entirely different conclusion had I heard the 1200G in my own system. I remain interested in acquiring a 1200G at some point though.

Pindac, is there such a product as a clamp that weighs 1 kg? If so, you’re quite correct that such a clamp places the same burden on the bearing and thrust pad as does a 1kg weight. However, no clamp that I know about weighs much more than 100g. I use the venerable SOTA clamp. I also use the weight provided by Kenwood for use with their L07D TT. It weighs 250g. That’s about as heavy as I personally would use. The L07D platter is partially magnetically suspended, which mitigates the potential issues.