AA for us

Is there such a place for us audiophiles: Audiophile's Anonymous? I feel that at this point that I am showing all signs of an addict and I am no longer a functioning addict, unfortunately. 

The only upside is that it is distracting me from other harmful activities such as watching the news x hours a day.




"We should consider our gears as music instrument .        

Once we buy a piano or a violon ; we keep it a very long time . We don't sell theme  after two years , just because there are new ones on the market ."

I don't have my 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or full violins anymore. Those were starter instruments. I still have my viola from high school, and bought one/commissioned two violas d'amore, and certainly still have those. 
My starter audio gear is gone, but will keep most of my current stuff for a long time. Only looking for a phono stage commensurate with the Rega Naia/Aphelion2. 


"We keep it for a very long time"

I'm like you but in my experience, this isn't always the case.



One cure is "buy once - cry once".

- it takes longer to get to a decision.

- that decision is better founded.

- no second guessing/FOMO anymore.

I also like Haroun - A British Audiophile's rule of thumb when upgrading: UPGRADE. Spend >3x as much, otherwise it is just shuffling deck chair on the Titanic.

That is why I treated myself to a Rega Naia for early retirement after about 2 years of looking around. It's an endgame component. If you are curious what else is in my system, I posted in the "System" section. https://www.audiogon.com/systems/users/oberoniaomnia 

Has a picture of the Naia with DIY leveling base :-)