To all you Cary SLI 80 owners, I'm looking for tube suggestions

Hello all, I have a one year old Cary SLI 80 HS and I have not changed a thing on it. Same tube set it came from the factory with. KT88's are Psvane, input tubes are JJ's.  It is a sublime match with my Volti Razz speakers. 

My question is this, what have you all tried with rolling tubes? Anyone try output variants? EL34's, KT 77 or 66's. Or have you changed out input tubes and noted and enjoyable difference?

Any and all suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you,


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Try some Gold Lyons all around. And I would switch to EL-34s if you want more tube goodness.

Try some Gold Lyons all around. And I would switch to EL-34s if you want more tube goodness.

I didn't think that the (reissued) Gold Lion made a EL34?  Or is the KT77 synonymous with EL34?

Try rolling the 6SN7 pre-driver/phase inverter tubes first.  They have are large impact in the overall sound. 

I also second the Gold Lion KT-88 power tubes.