Dynaudio Evoke 20 vs. Totem Signature One vs. Acoustic Revival Adalante 3

Hello Agon members,

I am getting ready to purchase a new pair of speakers and looking for some advice and first hand experience with a few of my possible choices:

  • Dynaudio Evoke 20 - I listened to this speaker at a store in Bangkok. I really enjoyed it, good dynamics and strong bass. Tone was great, but I felt like there was a little coloration to this speaker, perhaps some box resonance? Overall, very musical.
  • Totem Signature One - I listened to this speaker in a different store. It was a less than ideal environment, but the speaker had many of the same attributes that I liked about the Evoke 20.
  • Acoustic Revival Adalante 3 - Have not heard but will demo next time I am in Bangkok.

I own a Hifi Rose RS520 integrated amp/streamer. My speaker cables are Tellurium Q Black II and the power cord is generic. I am currently using a pair of Vanguard Scout speakers to great effect (especially considering the modest price) until I settle on my next speaker. In the past, I have used Omega Speaker Systems SAM (still own) and did not find this to be a good synergy with the Hifi Rose. I have also auditioned a pair of used Harbeth C7ES and, even though I wanted to love these speakers, there was again poor synergy. So finding a speaker that will play well with the sound signature of the Hifi Rose is important to me.

My room is 16.4 ft. x 19 ft. and my system is against the shorter wall. Speakers will have plenty of room on the sides, but I doubt I will be able to position them more than 2 ft. off the back wall.

My preference is for a warmer sound with a good tone, but I also articulation, dynamics, imaging and soundstage. I generally stay away from bright and forward sounding equipment. Music is mostly centered around rock and indie, with some country, bluegrass, folk, hip hop, reggae, etc. thrown into the mix.

I will listen to all 3 speakers again before I purchase, but demos are much different than actually living with a speaker. Therefore, if you have spent some time with any of these speakers, please share your thoughts.

Thanks in advance - Billy




Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have owned tube amps in the past, and like many people, love the sound, hate the maintenance. It is why I moved from an LTA ZOTL 10 tube amp to the HiFi Rose. Next amp purchase might possibly be Naim or Moonriver.



I had a feeling I would hear from you, I read your review of the Adalante 3 and I am happy you have found your "it" speaker. Ironically, I came across the link you shared here after I had already narrowed my search down to these 3 speakers. In all honesty, they all sound good. HiFi House by MSound is where I will be demoing the Acoustic Revival speakers at. They don't seem to have an actual showroom with normal business hours, so scheduling a listen has been difficult. I doubt they carry Dynaudio anymore, but with any luck I will be able to do side by side comparisons to the Totem (and maybe a left over Evoke 20).


Thanks for sharing. The Adalante 3 seems to be a special speaker, I am looking forward to listening.