CD Player advice request...

I am looking for something with the following attributes but don't want to spend over say $3000...(so a bit of each attribute is better than any significant weakness)
(1) fast tight bass
(2) full bodied in both male and vocals
(3) not exaggerated on the high freqs
(4) excellent timing...prefer clarity over artificial warmth
(5) good timbres
(6) and most importantly - reliability!!!!

I have nailed it down to:
(1) Rega Saturn
(2) Bryston BCD1
(3) Naim CD5xs

any comments on how these compare, and any other brands, would be greatly appreciated!
if you all those things try an ilink from MSB you will get everything you want plus all you cd at your finger tips
and with the money you save put towards one of there DAC's
and the DAC with the new filter is as close to tubes its scary. I listen to CD's recorded in the 80's and they sound fantastic
There is another option:decent transport/Z-Systems RDP/RDQ/DAC.Have had good results using an Oppo (can be upgraded later) into RDP-1,then the Citypulse 7.2X (or similar/of your choice).With a little experience,this system is very rewarding and adaptable.
If completely digital based,the RDP can control volume.Allowing the DAC to drive the amps directly.

This will sound like a cop out, but it depends greatly on your other gear.

I have listened to Saturn with Rega amps, including the new Elicit, and various types of speakers and was underwhelmed. I have heard it with a VTL integrated and small Avalon floor standers and liked it very much.

The Naim CD5XS, I have only heard with Naim electronics and found it to sound fabulously musical under the right room and speaker conditions (medium large squarish room with Naim floor standing speakers). I generally prefer the Naim sound to other names, but not sure how well they play with other kids (electronic brands) in mixed company.

I have not listened to the Bryston but it certainly is getting a strong following as a detailed and neutral player.
I would also add the Simaudio Moon CD-1 to your list. Very natural presentation with very good detail and tonal textures. I have not heard the BCD-1 which I was originally hoping to get but came across my CD-1 at very good price. Some who have compared the BCD-1 to the CD-1 felt it was very close in their opinion.